This weekend I have decided to challenge myself. For the whole month of May I have to model in Blender one new model each day. I named this challenge #ModelMay. I will post on my Instagram daily my progress. All the renders you can see on my Projects page.
Subjects can be anything. On a work day I will have to pick easier models. On the weekends I will do more complex models or scenes.
For this first day of my challenge, I picked coffee machine Delizio Compact One II. I though it would be easier to model something that I have at home. It was interesting building up textures for this. Checking up reflections on real model to decide correct shaders.
I learned a lot building it.
Final composition render

I was not satisfied with the look of the capsules but I was running out of time to finish the model.
Please let me know what you think and if I could have done something better in comments 🙂